Thursday, July 14, 2016

Computers...My Life Thanks You!

In 2016, computers are a part of our everyday lives. Computer technology continues to grow rapidly worldwide. Communication, health care and education are 3 important areas that computer technology continue to evolve and help shape our lives. There are 3 key areas of my life that computers have made a positive impact: work, social, and family. Let me share with you some of the ways computers have enhanced my life.

1. Work Life
 computer office jim carrey working keyboard

Work is a place I spend a lot of my time. Computer technology allows me to be much more productive and creative. I could not imagine doing my job without what we now consider some of the simplest computer programs and software. The Microsoft Office Suite, Email, Google Suite, Calendars, Blackboard, and Video Conference software. These tools all play a key role in how I operate on the job. Working in higher education requires a lot of communicating and collaborating with colleagues across campus. Computers allow me to quickly and efficiently communicate via email with a colleague, send them a calendar invite, and meet via video conference if need be. When scheduling travel for work, computers allow me to quickly book my flight, hotel, and rental car. That is much more efficient than having to call an agent, wait on hold, then work with them to schedule accommodations that fit my schedule. Computers also allow me to connect and contact with thousands of potential students, families, educational and community partners, all at a much faster and inexpensive way than I could without them.  My work life without computers would be totally different, and not in a positive way. 

2. Social Life
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As an adult, with responsibilities such as family, work, trying to stay in shape, while still trying to find time to eat and sleep, computers play a major role in maintaining a social life. Applications and platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Skype, Google Hangouts and blogs allow you to not only keep in contact with friends, but also interact with people worldwide. Twitter is a forum where one can socially interact with a variety of people on subject both serious and fun. You can share opinions, learn new things, keep up to date with current events, and even network. With computers, using these sites can also allow you to meet new people and foster new friendships. Computers definitely have a major effect on my social life. Not only have I formed new relationships, but have also been able to maintain lifelong ones due to computer innovations. 

3. Family Life

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Having family members spread throughout the United States, including other cities in North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Texas, Virginia, and Maryland, my family life would be completely different without the help of computers. With family so spread out, it is very hard to keep up with, and especially see everyone in the family. Computers allow us to keep in contact and share our lives with one another. Programs such as Skype allow me to video chat with family members. My grandmother lives in Florida, I have not been to visit in at least a year, but my aunt and I set dates for her to take her laptop over so I can talk with my grandmother via Skype. At first, my grandmother could not stand using it of course, but now that she's comfortable with what she calls "the video thing", she looks forward to our Skype dates as much as I do. Facebook is another major way that make my family life with computer access so much better than if it was not available. My family has created a Facebook group. This is a place that we can all communicate and share pictures of family that we do not get to see often. We also use our Facebook group plan family gatherings and reunions. Without computers, keeping in touch with loved ones would be a much more difficult task. 

Life without computers would be vastly different in many aspects of life, work life, social life, and family life are just 3 areas. Computers allow us to communicate faster and easier than alternative methods such as by telephone or mail. They allow for more innovative and efficient workflow, open new avenues to socialize, and help families keep in contact from miles away. Computers, I would like to thank you, for making such a difference in my life!

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