Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Technology in Higher Education

Technology has become a permanent tool in the world of higher education. Students, faculty, and staff members utilize technology in various ways to complete a multitude of tasks. Gone are the days of handwritten assignments and notes, Technology has changed the preferred learning styles in education. Google, Facebook, and Twitter are some of the more common methods being used, not just for social engagement, but also in education.

Access to the internet and a computer are now the minimum technology requirements a college student must meet. Laptops and USB drive's are now found in almost every students book bag. With the increase of access to online "cloud" storage and eBooks, students and professors are now able to carry lighter bags to class.

Fully online and hybrid online classes are also increasing. Tools, such as Blackboard, provide access to facilitate an online learning environment. Assignments, subject content, email, discussions, and grades can be accessed via computer or phone.

There are so many ways that technology is integrated into the world of higher education. Lets look at a few of the technology tools used in higher education today.

1) Cell Phones

cartoon the simpsons school technology bored

Phones are a big part of our everyday life. They allow us to stay instantly connected to email and assignments, for students and professors to communicate, and allow you to receive information on campus emergencies, happenings, and news stories.

2) PowerPoint

project powerpoint

What would college be without PowerPoint? One of the most popular and effective ways both student and faculty use to present information.

3) Google Suite

google classroom google classroom gafe

Gmail, Google Docs, Google Drive, and other components of the Google Suite have continued to increase is popularity and usage. With the ability to create, store, and share content in one place, the Google Suite is an effective set of tools.

4) Blogs

the simpsons internet blog lisa simpson blogging

Blogs are way for students and faculty to share their voice in a creative way. Blogs provide a means to stay up-to-date with areas of study. Comments sections allow for feedback and additional thoughts and ideas to be generated

5) Distance Learning

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With the demand for alternative learning options, distance learning has become very popular. Through online discussion boards, video conferencing, and online lectures, distance learning will continue to evolve and have a presence in higher education.

Feel free to share some of your favorite, or least favorite types of technology devices or experiences you have experienced through higher education!


  1. Completely agree Dominique. It is amazing how teaching business courses will allow you to see all five of your examples on a daily basis. I, myself, have even used some of your examples while in school. It is really intriguing seeing technology at its best. However, if used improperly can cause students to misbehave and cause problems in a classroom setting.

  2. Completely agree Dominique. It is amazing how teaching business courses will allow you to see all five of your examples on a daily basis. I, myself, have even used some of your examples while in school. It is really intriguing seeing technology at its best. However, if used improperly can cause students to misbehave and cause problems in a classroom setting.

  3. Dominique,
    Thank you for your post. You definitely highlighted some of the most frequently used types of technology. I have to agree that the technology has most certainly aided in my quest for licensure for teaching! Online courses, for me, are a God-send! I believe that would have to be my favorite use for technology, at the moment.
